Monday, December 28, 2015

Learning while playing

There are so many games or activities out there for kids to help them learn in different ways.  Making learning fun.

Dartanian has always like playing with his Rainbow Caterpillar from Melissa and Doug.  He likes moving each gear, taking them apart and trying to put them in their correct spot.  Great for identifying colors, matching, and motor skills.  

Little man is trying his hand at lace and trace by Melissa and Doug.

The kids liked popping out the letters from their ABC's foam puzzle.

Kanani matched the number to the word that went with each one.  Then we discussed what colors each one was one.

We love using our bananagram tiles to spell different words.  This time around we decided to practice her name.  She knows her first and middle name really good, we still are practicing with her last name.  Poor thing has such a long name but she's doing great with learning her name and is very determined to learn it.

The kids received two tents for Christmas and then I found a great deal on some ball pit balls.  They both have enjoyed playing in the tent.  We went over colors, counting, and sorting.  

Kanani got a Doc McStuffin Veterinarian Clinic for Christmas, she has said for the past two years that she wants to be a vet when she grows up.  It's so great seeing her playing and pretending to be a vet.  She really has a love for animals.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Tree Farm

Today we went to Daniel's Christmas Tree Farm with our homeschool co-op group.  It was such a great experience, and even better that my husband was able to join us.  

On our way to the farm.

The kids really enjoyed the goats.

Observing the Christmas Trees on the lot.

We learned that it takes approximately 5 years for a Christmas tree to grow.  Daniel (the tree farmer) has to get his Christmas trees from another farm in the mountains due to the fact they haven't yet to discover how to make them grow faster.  His trees takes approximately 10 years to grow.  They are working with NC State University students to find a way to make the trees grow faster.

Every time he finds sticks laying around he just has to pick them up and then run after us chasing us around.  Such a silly little boy.

View of some of the trees on the farm.

All the kids had a blast on the barrel train.  They let the kids ride 3 times around the farm.  

One of the workers brought over a little goat named Dasher for the kids to pet.  Once I went in with Dartanian Dasher quickly wanted a selfie and kept getting in front of my phone.   She was very sweet and gentle.

We went on a hay ride around the entire farm and got to see a couple of horse, ducks, more goats, new guineas, chickens, and kittens.  The kids loved seeing all the horses.

Once we got back from the hay ride the kids made a wreath to take home.  Kanani did an awesome job and couldn't wait to get home to hang it.

Once we were done with all the activities we sat around the camp fire talking and enjoying each others company.

Going to the farm was a great way to start the month.  All the workers on the farm were so kind to everyone and very attentive to the kids.  Made for a wonderful, outstanding experience.