Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Loves

Our babies are growing up so fast.  Can't believe she is five and he is one. Time needs to slow down.

It's been hard to get pictures of little man now that he is walking.

Posing with her yellow leaf.

Little man running from K.

On the move.

My favorite picture of them running.

Both with a stick, little man always has something in his hand.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Finch Eggs

A beautiful Finch nest in our Easter wreath.

I went to change the wreath of the front door from Easter to a Summer wreath when I noticed a nest in the wreath.  At first their was only three eggs in the nest, a couple of days later their were five.  I'm so excited to see them hatch.  Of course I couldn't change the wreath, I have to protect these babies.  

Here is a closer picture of the five finch eggs.  Watch them everyday to see the progress.  The parents rotate them and are always close.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Strawberry Picking

We went to Gillis Hill Farm to go strawberry picking.  We've been doing this for years, since K was one.  This year was little man's first time.  Love how we continue our sweet traditions.

Our beautiful babies 

Love how red looks on her.  She has always enjoyed strawberry picking.

He didn't know what to do with the strawberries.  Little man mostly wanted to squish them.

Love seeing the beautiful bond between the kids and Rey.  He is such a great dad, husband, and my best friend.

She wanted to pick all the strawberries she could, even though our basket was already full.

K was so excited to see her friend Lizzy and her brother Cole at the strawberry patch.  Once she saw them she wanted to go by their side and help them fill their buckets.  The kids were so excited when Lizzy's dad found a lady bug.  Love seeing how the simple things make them happy.